Frifind Lars Bo Lomholt!

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Dette debatemne er skabt automatisk af underskriftindsamlingen Frifind Lars Bo Lomholt!.



2013-12-30 22:18




2013-12-30 23:40

This man deserves a medal not for his bravery in saving Thor!!! He doesn't deserve to lose his job!!!



2013-12-31 00:16

la vostra legge sui cani è troppo severa



2013-12-31 00:50

Now this is a good policeman, he did what he knew to be right, even knowing he might get into trouble! I commend you!



2013-12-31 01:24

Lars Bo Lomholt is morally right, correct to save Thor from the stupid irrational and immoral decision the police department made.



2013-12-31 07:44

Do people get euthanised for self-defense. This dog has dedicated his life to the police who now are failing him. Well done Lars for standing up for him and protecting him. U hope they see the light and you both can return to normality!



2013-12-31 09:57

We love u Thor & Lars



2013-12-31 17:24

this is so crazy to me,hearing this this police officer should not loose his job,a dog is a dog, stupid law,would be different if he was biting people,let the dog live he is a beautiful dog and doest deserve to die what a sin



2013-12-31 21:42

It is terrible to kill a dog because he has made one slight mistake. I commend Lars Bo Lomholt for his action. He should be rewarded, not punished.



2014-01-01 00:26

How absurd. Thor was startled. The dog has no previous record.
How totally rediculous



2014-01-03 00:14

I can not believe you are wanting to put down a perfect dog for protecting himself and his owner!!  Lars you are one hell of a hero!!  There should be more of you in this world!!  You do not deserve any punishment....if any thing you deserve the recognition for bravery!!  You rock Lars!!  May Thor live a long and happy life in your care :)  Good luck.



2014-01-08 18:06

What call of laws does your country have when the police are the jury, They are to inforce laws not make them. Your country needs to look at its dog laws an the correct duties of the police. the dog thor should have never been touched, th e other dog in question provoked the incident. an you punish the victim, this is outrage. Get your laws an police on the right track. they are ediots.almost a dictatorship I would say. with SS troops wearing badges.WAKE UP


2014-01-08 23:41

Tror i det er bedre, at skrive på engelsk, hunden var ikke i snor, den angreb uden videre en anden hund, uansvarlige hundeejer som kvinden der havde den, skulle forbydes nogen sinde at have hun igen, nu kan køteren så takket være, en kriminel tidligere politibetjent angribe andre hunde igen. Giv max straf til den mand, skal kunne stole på politi, heldigvis dækkede de ikke over deres egen den her gang !



2014-01-09 10:45

Lars, you are a hero!



2014-01-09 14:17

Dogs bite dogs. It is natural. The incident wouldn't have happened if the small dog had been on a leash. The officer should be commended for saving the dog.



2014-01-10 06:18

please please do not let this gentleman lose his job trying to do what the police are intended to do SAVE LIVES


#692 Re:

2014-01-11 01:10

#690: -

Den lille hund var i snor, det var den store der rendte løs..


#693 Re:

2014-01-11 01:11

#689: -

Lars, you are a nutcase.



2014-01-24 14:30

Jeg har stor respekt for den indsats som Lars Bo har gjort for alle danske hunde og deres ejere, og samtidig sat ekstra fokus på mange af de problemer som vores samfund, i mange tilfælde lukker alle sanser for, som tilsyneladende stammer fra at der findes så meget Magtsygdom i Danmark.

#695 Selvfølgelig skal han straffes !

2014-01-26 23:49

Manden er dømt kriminel, han stjal en politibil, stjal en uniform, stjal en hund, skrev under med falsk navn og stak af med en stjålet hund i en tjenestebil, samtidig bidrager han nu til ulovlig opdræt af forbudte hunde ved, at smugler dem ud af landet hvor de sælges i Tyskland, selvtægt er nok noget af det værste, og så en tidligere betjent. Glæder mig over han er fyret fra det job han åbenbart ikke egnede sig til.



2014-02-05 04:32

If I could buy Lars a beer, I certainly would! Thor, you are very lucky to have Lars fighting in your corner. May those who speak for the voiceless be heard. -from USA



2014-02-14 02:10

Now that the dog is safe, it's time to change the law. It is completely natural for a dog, when surprised, to nip, and both owners knew it. If anything, I am suprised that the smaller dog would come up behind a large, protective dog and surprise him. If anything, that behaviour is unnatural. I think the police need to know a little more about dogs than this! I thought your country was more evolved than this!



2014-04-02 16:36

Hunde og katte og andre dyr er afhængige af mennesker og deres holdning. Mon VI kan løfte det ansvar? Tjah, nej vel. Vi tage os sammen og praktisere et samliv med dyrene som man kunne det i fortiden, og som civiliserede samfund endnu kan det.
Helge Fiil Christensen

#699 Mon ikke vi kan opføre os ordentligt.

2014-04-02 16:41

Hunde og katte og andre dyr er afhængige af mennesker og deres holdning. Mon VI kan løfte det ansvar? Tjah, nej vel. Vi må tage os sammen og praktisere et samliv med dyrene som man kunne det i fortiden, og som civiliserede samfund endnu kan det. Jeg kan huske min egen barndom med dyrene, hunde, katte o.a. som et "frit indslag" i bybilledet, uden at nogen tog det fortrydeligt op. Det her handler kun om mennesker! Ikke om dyr! Venligst Helge Fiil Christensen



2014-04-06 01:56

I don't undertand the language in the petition but read the article in english. I applaud this man's sense of honor and duty to justice!

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