Frifind Lars Bo Lomholt!
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Dette debatemne er skabt automatisk af underskriftindsamlingen Frifind Lars Bo Lomholt!.
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#6512013-12-30 02:25This man is a hero! He is an officer that has a conscience and deserves a medal, not punishment. Honor him, and those who emulate him. |
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#6522013-12-30 03:21he is my hero :) thanks you for saving this beautiful baby it was a very corageous thing to do and wi wish more humans would do so in the name of love for animals x |
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#6552013-12-30 10:29Well done to the officer!!! He did the right thing to save The Police are doing an immoral crappy thing by punishing him for correcting a mistake they made in the first place. They should thank him and promote him. |
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#6592013-12-30 14:05le leggi vanno cambiate...ha fatto più che bene a salvare quel chiedo di non licenziarlo...grazie |
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#6602013-12-30 14:16A dog walking w/owner who is startled and protecting himself and owner from perceived threat is as natural of a reaction as there is for a dog, ANY breed of dog. |
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#6612013-12-30 14:19I don't understand the Danish language, but what I DO understand is that this dog should NOT be subject to euthanasia. Horray for Lars Bo Lomholt. |
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#6642013-12-30 15:42I find it disturbing the police would get involved in a dispute between two parties who have resolved a minor conflict between themselves. A dog that gets startled can always act unpredictably, you get it some training not euthanize. The officer who involved themselves in this matter need some training on dog behaviour. And dealing with conflict in a reasonable matter. |
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#6652013-12-30 16:10This is a horrible abuse of power and extremely arbitrary. I am so glad someone finally had enough and took action. My thanks and support to the officer for rescuing the dog. |
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#6672013-12-30 17:43Thank you so much for risking so much to save this beautiful dog's life. |
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#6682013-12-30 17:47If you would like to support Lars. Rules are guidelines that really need to be explored on an individual bases. Thank you Lars for saving "Thor". |
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#6702013-12-30 18:07I am not of your country but must say heroism is sometimes doing wrong thing to right a beaurocratic wrong. Let him keep his job and provide legal correction that allows police to act as judge and executioner Thank you |
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#6722013-12-30 18:58Just know that over 10,000 people support your decision. We stand behind you all the way! |
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#6732013-12-30 19:20I hope we can save this innocent dog, very proud of the police officer involved :-) |
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#6742013-12-30 20:24Of course the dog turned round and went for the smaller dog-he came from behind-natural instinct to protect oneself whether human or animal-I think this Policeman did a wonderful thing and shame on the police for taking such action against him and the dog- |
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#6752013-12-30 22:16He shouldn't get in trouble for anything he did he saved a dogs life |
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