Save Nexus '22

Students at CBS are once again finding their voices marginalized, diminished, and disempowered.

On Monday, 4th April 2022, students of CBS were presented with the unilateral decision by the senior management of CBS, who decided to forbid Café Nexus from hosting Nexus Thursday Parties.

Students have been completely left out of a decision that directly affects the student environment of which they are apart. Café Nexus has been at the heart of the social scene at CBS for over 20 years and has remained a common gathering point for the larger CBS community. Nexus Thursday Parties have played a large role in CBS students' ability to meet new people, forge friendships, and enjoy a welcoming student-driven safe space.

Without apparent regard for the students' opinion or voice, CBS senior management has decided to cut away the biggest part of the social life on campus. In 2020, student involvement was already disregarded in relation to the new intro format, and now it's missing in the social impact of Café Nexus.

Therefore, we call upon you and urge you to join this petition and stand for the following:

  • Opposition to the lack of student involvement in the decision-making process
  • Café Nexus receiving support from CBS to reshape its activities
  • CBS initiating other projects to support the social student environment
  • The necessity to involve students going forward

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