Nej tak til statens salg af DONG til Goldman Sachs


/ #11386 Goldman Sach og det enegelske postvæsen

2014-01-29 21:36

Det er helt identisk. Staten sælger alt for billigt (på baggrund af rådgiver, som enten er Goldman Sachs, eller knyttet til Goldman Sachs).

Adrian Bailey, chair of the Business Select Committee, which is due to question Mr Cable on Wednesday, said: “It’s totally unacceptable. I don’t see how you can act as adviser to the Government and then profit from the advice you have given them. It is a conflict of interest.”

Goldman Sachs and UBS valued Royal Mail at just £3.3bn, while its rival, JP Morgan, priced it at between £6.8bn and £8.5bn. The Department for Business, Skills and Innovation, headed by Mr Cable, opted for the lower valuation. The shares soared in value as City firms scrambled to apply for the shares.

A Goldman Sachs spokesperson said: “Shares that appear in our name are either shares that we hold on behalf of our clients or shares that relate to trading activity with clients.”


Spørgsmålet i England er jo hvorfor man følger Goldman Sachs råd, og derefter ser dem scorer kassen ved at disse råd følges ...

I Dk starter Corydons handel med Goldman Sachs med at den danske stat starter med at give Goldman Sachs 1.7 mia.


Det er komplet ligegyldigt om SF stemmer for eller ej. Det er undr alle omstændigheder en skandale af rang. Og det lugter af penge under bordet, eller løfter om velbetalte jobs via Goldman Sachs kontakter (altså korruption).
Og noget af det må simpelthen være strafbart.