Nej tak til statens salg af DONG til Goldman Sachs


/ #10049

2014-01-28 18:31

Jeg har lige modtaget en kommentar fra min mand i New York, som fuldt ud forstår, at jeg er chokeret og oprørt over at de socialdemokratiske politikere i vores lille danske velfærds-paradis nu sælger ud af vores samfundsværdier; jeg håber SF holder fanen højt og har flertal og mod til at forlade regeringen - min far der var med til at danne SF må vende sig i sin grav nu over hvad der sker med hans parti - han holdt 50års jubilæumstale i 2009 før han døde.
Min mand skriver:
DENMARKK is going to do business with SATAN… and the only deal he makes is for your SOUL….
Unfortunately, this CASE is the residue of joining the COALITION OF THE WILLING(Iraq)….
Once you started to dance to our music, it was only a matter of time before DENMARK GOT MORE AND MORE BUSINESS SENT TO IT from USA, as some type of reward..
AND SLOWLY.. this REWARD, of business and profits supplied because of your WILLINGNESS to stand with USA, gradually devolves into a TAKE OVER… offering some profit to some super rich Danes, at the expense of ordinary Danes and the character of the country…
I clearly remember a talk with your father Bjarne about WHY WOULD DENMARK join that COALITION..WHY?? ..
and I said, we will EVENTUALLY hear and see whY DENMARK joined in, because we will see and hear about DENMARK getting business opportunities and trade advantages from USA, as a form of THANK YOU..and that it will increase…
And when that begins to occur, then DENMARK had better be prepared, because USA and the PROFIT MOTIVE, will start to eat away and privatize your society ,for the profit of some obscure and super wealthy Danish ELITE….
I hope your citizens CAN stop and reverse this CRIME AGAINST THE SOUL OF YOUR SOCIETY…..i hope…I hope…
Jim & Birgitte