Stop sexuelt misbrug af dyr (Forbyd zoofili i Danmark!)

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Dette debatemne er skabt automatisk af underskriftindsamlingen Stop sexuelt misbrug af dyr (Forbyd zoofili i Danmark!).


#252 En liten bild för den som tycker det är OK

2012-09-04 11:52

Den so tycker denna bilden är OK, ja då borde ni tänka om lite..
Om man tillåter djursex i det minsta graden, kan det sluta så här..tykcer ni DET är rätt då?



2012-09-04 11:52




2012-09-04 12:02

Seriously ?? did this people do believe of God?? may they burn in hell then !!... this is sick and abnormal



2012-09-04 14:18

Danmark, you shoul be a sivilized country. this is not humans do. Shame on you



2012-09-04 15:23

This is horrific and must stop ! It's not okay to rape animals


2012-09-04 16:12

Helt ærligt? Hvis Forskere - Folk som ved noget om emnet, Siger at dyrene ikke tager skade af det, så synes jeg ikke vi har brug for at lave flere regler og love her i Danmark! Det kan godt være at det er ret så pænt meget ulækkert, men altså helt ærligt derfor er der da ingen grund til at forbyde det?

Jeg synes da for eksempel også at Gamle halvfede mænd i alt for korte shorts er ulækre, men derfor mener jeg da stadig ikke at gamle halvfede mænd skal forbydes at gå i shorts! Altså vi lever i et land hvor vi har så lidt frihed at det kan stå på et knappenålshoved, lad nu vær med at få politikerne til at lave flere latterlige regler, det kan de SAGTENS selv finde ud af!

#258 Re:

2012-09-04 16:13

#254: -

no i do not believe in god. - I Believe in rationality and logical thinking!



2012-09-04 17:24

The danes must be sick bastards to conclude this is ok.



2012-09-04 17:27

Human beings need to go and see a therapist if they want to have sex with animals. A. They have sex with animals because the animal cannot say no.
B. The animals cannot say No and therefore this is RAPE and ABUSE.
Franziska Eber


2012-09-04 18:10

I wished you would add my country, Germany, to the list - and why is "East Germany" there? That country, if what you mean is the "Deutsche Demokratische Republik", ceased to exist more than 20 years ago! I randomly picked Danmark, but I hate to tell lies.



2012-09-04 20:26

Sjukligt, kriminellt och det är elaka människor utan hjärna som utsätter värnlösa djur för detta! Stränga straff krävs!!!



2012-09-04 21:32

f*cking perverts! go castrate yourselves. STOP this insanity!
Maibritt Mandrup

#264 STOP DET NU.. det har været for sent for mange uskyldige væsner længe.

2012-09-04 21:49

Beskyt nu vores kære venner & firbenede venner,som ikke har en stemme... stop nu den latterlige indbildthed om at mennesker er altvidende væsner/guder som ved bedst om dyr reelt har lyst til at parre sig med eller blive voldtaget af mennesker. SPÆND NU KYSEN, TAG ET ANSVAR, Så MAN IGEN KAN BLIVE STOLT AF VORES LOVGIVNING... for dette gør mig i den grad flov over at være dansker.



2012-09-05 01:38

Please tell me how an animal is able to give consent!? Therefore this can only be rape!!



2012-09-05 02:02

la civiltà di un popolo si vede anche da come tratta gli animali....direi che la Danimarca non si è evoluta molto dai tempi della brutalità vichinga ! che schifo !
Paola Ballanti



2012-09-05 14:16

Jeg er absolut imod vold på dyr! Sex med dyr bør forbydes ved lov!



2012-09-05 15:33

Rimango inorridita da questa notizia....purtroppo solo la razza umana commette queste cose,e x fortuna che dovremmo essere di superiore vedo solo la crudeltà e la cattiveria,unite al menefreghismo ed alla voglia di distruggere tutto ciò che ci circonda...poveri animali che subiscono le frustrazioni di una specie fallita,di cui mi vergogno di fare parte!!!
Christina Nielsen

#269 Re: STOP DET NU.. det har været for sent for mange uskyldige væsner længe.

2012-09-05 16:52



2012-09-05 17:56




2012-09-05 20:24

Stop this shame!
jane dean

#272 Sex with animals is cruel and animal abuse!

2012-09-06 09:36

How can a country that calls itself "civilized" allow rape of any innocent, sentient being?? How can Parliament say that sex with animals is OK?? How can any caring humanbeing believe that forcing any sentient being to participate in anything against their will is acceptable?? The world is looking at you, Denmark. You are a blight in the eyes of all civilized and moral, decent and caring humans. Are the members of your Parliament practitioners of this unnatural act? If not, then why do you support the people that want to do this? Why are you not concerned for the voiceless and innocent beings that are being abused against their will? And how can anyone with the smallest amount of intelligence and compassion believe that sex with animals is NOT animal abuse? If you think because they are "only animals," then you are the ones without the ability to feel because ALL animals are sentient and feel pain, fear, stress, and anxiety. Any sentient being (not just humans) are being abused when forced to have sex against their will. Make this barbaric practice illegal and do not support the debauched people that want this to be legal.

jane dean

#273 Re:

2012-09-06 09:39

#268: -

yes, yes! You said it very well! "... poor animals who suffer the frustrations of a failed species, of which I am ashamed to join!!!"



2012-09-06 23:44

Is an absurd law.
Is the case for its abolition.



2012-09-09 02:28