Stop sexuelt misbrug af dyr (Forbyd zoofili i Danmark!)
jane dean |
/ #272 Sex with animals is cruel and animal abuse!2012-09-06 09:36How can a country that calls itself "civilized" allow rape of any innocent, sentient being?? How can Parliament say that sex with animals is OK?? How can any caring humanbeing believe that forcing any sentient being to participate in anything against their will is acceptable?? The world is looking at you, Denmark. You are a blight in the eyes of all civilized and moral, decent and caring humans. Are the members of your Parliament practitioners of this unnatural act? If not, then why do you support the people that want to do this? Why are you not concerned for the voiceless and innocent beings that are being abused against their will? And how can anyone with the smallest amount of intelligence and compassion believe that sex with animals is NOT animal abuse? If you think because they are "only animals," then you are the ones without the ability to feel because ALL animals are sentient and feel pain, fear, stress, and anxiety. Any sentient being (not just humans) are being abused when forced to have sex against their will. Make this barbaric practice illegal and do not support the debauched people that want this to be legal. |
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