Nej tak til statens salg af DONG til Goldman Sachs


/ #4896 Goldman Sachs: When the ducks quack, feed them - Customer are "Muppets"

2014-01-26 02:16

Dvs. giv dem et eller andet hul-i-hovedet lån, som bare forværrer deres problemer.

Som beskrevet på Wiki siden om Goldman Sachs :
Smith said that advising clients "to do what I believe is right for them" was becoming increasingly unpopular. Instead there was a "toxic and destructive" environment in which "the interests of the client continue to be sidelined", senior management described clients as "muppets" and colleagues callously talked about "ripping their clients off".[

"Goldman Sachs’s deal with Putin ranks among the worst examples ever of a company seeking to bolster its profits by laundering the financial reputation of a country led by a corruptly elected despot

Ulovlig insider trading:
In 1986, David Brown was convicted of passing inside information to Ivan Boesky on a takeover deal.[117] Robert Freeman, who was a senior Partner, who was the Head of Risk Arbitrage, and who was a protégé of Robert Rubin, was also convicted of insider trading, for his own account and for the firm's account.[

Greece's former prime minister, ran the Central Bank of Greece at the time of the controversial derivatives deals with Goldman Sachs that enabled Greece to hide the size of its debt. Petros Christodoulou, General Manager of the Public Debt Management Agency of Greece is a former employee of Goldman Sachs...

During the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis, Goldman was able to profit from the collapse in subprime mortgage bonds in the summer of 2007 by short-selling subprime mortgage-backed securities ... svindel, der ledte til finanskrisen .. hvis ikke decideret startede den.

Today’s events parallel the imperialists of the early 20thcentury which resulted in World War I. The Wall Street led depression of the 1930’s led to the rise of political extremism and ultimately to World War II. Today, Goldman Sachs and their fellow Wall Street cronies are currently running, or dare I say ruining the global economy and the consequences are going to result in the culmination of World War III from which these same gangster bankster’s will profit from the buildup, the death and destruction of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of innocent people as well as the lucrative clean up which follows every war. However, the ultimate prize for the coming war will be the ruination of the planet in order to reconstruct civilization in a true fascist model that Hitler and Mussolini could only dream about. Remember, as the globalists like to say in reference to their favorite Hegelian Dialectic quote, “Out of chaos comes order.” Mind you, it won’t be Goldman Sachs money that pays for the destruction of humanity in the coming war. This war’s blood money will be your money and my money. Mind you, it won’t be Goldman Sachs children who are pressed into military service and will be sacrificed in the coming conflict. It will be your children and my children who will be sacrificed in the name of furthering the bottom line of the Goldman Sachs Mafia and the rest of the Wall Street gangsters. Meanwhile, the Goldman Sachs children will be safely tucked away attending private schools on your nickel and on the blood of your children as the devastation begins to unfold.

Take Gary Gensler, a former Goldman Sachs executive partner, who like so many other Goldman Sachs gangsters, have been placed into key governmental oversight positions in order to protect the Goldman Sachs co-conspirators, from prosecution, as they continue their reign of terror upon the global economy

The New York Times reported yesterday that the criminal gang at Goldman Sachs is paying a $550 million "fine" to the Securities and Exchange Commission to "settle" their fraud case.

No written account in Goldman Sachs - because of crime investigations ...

In e-mail messages found by investigators, Goldman executives would often sign off with “LDL” — short for let’s discuss live.


Tillyke SF, S og Radikale med jeres nye venner .... Det kan IKKE være mere korrupt og usselt.

Tillyke Lisbeth Poulsen, Sofie Carsten Nielsen og Bjarne Corydon ...

Et eller andet sted har jeg ondt af jer som mennesker - at I vil bruge jeres tid på Jorden på den måde... Som små grådige svin, istedet for at være hæderlige mennesker ...