Nej tak til statens salg af DONG til Goldman Sachs

Quoted post


#10310 Nogle af GS bussines:

2014-01-28 23:08

This emporium for girls and women — some under age some forced into prostitution — is in turn owned by an opaque private company called Village Voice Media. Until now it has been unclear who the ultimate owners are.

That mystery is solved. The owners turn out to include private equity financiers, including Goldman Sachs with a 16 percent stake.



#10314 Re: Nogle af GS bussines:

2014-01-28 23:12:13

#10310: Marius - Nogle af GS bussines:

Hvorfor er det lige man ikke sidder og ryster på hovedet ...intet kan overraske på noget nedre plan hvad mål man sigter på for profit. !