Nej tak til statens salg af DONG til Goldman Sachs

Quoted post



2014-01-27 08:47

Hi Everybody!
This is a wonderful way of letting Danish people, and people who live and pay tax in Denmark and love Denmark, to have a say regarding the ridiculous sale of DONG to Goldman Sachs. I really hope that we manage to prevent this disastrous transaction. I am a PhD student and my personal opinion is that the current government is completely financially ignorant, and that they have no idea what they are doing. A totally wrong move like this will hurt Denmark so much. Unfortunately, consequences will be seen only in the future, when it will be too late to reverse it.
On the other hand, Danes are famous internationally as the best business plan writers with their unmatched creativity and ability to find a way out of the most difficult financial situation. Counter to this general belief, and counter to the great number of highly educated Danish financial experts who are opposing to this disastrous idea, current government is putting itself, by making this kind of uninformed, unknowledgeable financial decision, a shoulder to shoulder with the corrupt and ignorant governments of Third Word countries. We should raise the question: Is the current government ignorant? Surely, it looks like it. Is the current government corrupt as well? We, don't know. Maybe we should look into it. It could be a potential explanation for this senseless sale. I personally can not find any reasonable one.
All in all, selling DONG to Goldman Sachs, so wrong, and not a Danish way of doing business at all!!! I expect more from Denmark! !!!! Denmark can do better than this!!!!! Denmark has other people who are smarter and wiser, who are highly educated, experienced financial experts, people who know how to create a smarter, more pragmatic solution. We should list to them, and prevent this disastrous sale of DOGN to Goldman Sachs!!!!

Nevena Jensen



#7585 ja og som har hjerte og etikken på rette sted og rene hænder i bagkullisrene og som ikke fristes $

2014-01-27 08:53:02