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/ #67

2015-04-14 16:14

Jeg er netop stødt på dette på Patientdataforeningnes facebook-side:

Her kan man bl.a. læse følgende konklusion:
"Conclusion: No one in the pharmaceuticals industry today is in doubt that time is the scarcest resource in clinical development, and no one wants to put the study quality at risk. For this
reason, Denmark has been among the preferred countries for conducting clinical trials for decades.
The unique Danish life science environment makes it optimal for companies to conduct clinical
research in various therapeutic areas. Important parameters such as time, complexity and economy work in favour of companies located here. Furthermore, since the patient
retention is very high, the costs per evaluable data point come out quite favourably.
Denmark has a well-functioning public national health insurance system and hospital services of a very high standard, which contributes to Denmark’s leading position within clinical research.
Moreover, unique data systems make it possible to cross-reference data from various databases across different areas, e.g. personal identification numbers, the personal
identification number system, health economic statistics and diagnosis registration in general
practice. Additionally, one may cross data registers like the personal identification number with clinical trials data, making it possible to connect personal information such as address, income, gender, age, etc. with decades of samples from the various national biobanks."

Det ser altså ud til, at udenrigsministeriet allerede i et par år har været i fuld gang med at forsøge at sælge vore patientdata i udlandet!