Remove Bengt Holst From Copenhagen Zoo
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Dette debatemne er skabt automatisk af underskriftindsamlingen Remove Bengt Holst From Copenhagen Zoo.
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#1512014-02-09 19:19Die Giraffe wurde vor Kindern getötet und dann zerlegt, das ist total krank und pervers. Es hätte auch die Möglichkeit gegeben, das Tier zu kastrieren. Was ist das für eine kranke Welt? |
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#1522014-02-09 19:23Ni är både olämpliga och ovärdiga att handha djur över huvud taget. Min personliga önskan är att du går samma öde till mötes som giraffen. |
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#1532014-02-09 19:24This man is a disgrace to the zoo,Denmark and humanity.Cruel and without heart to his animals and the children who had to watch the dissection. |
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#1542014-02-09 19:25Shame has you it is SHAMEFUL, I am to scandalize! But or world goes if zoo censer portéger animals kill them!!! Change job(business) if you are incapable of compation and of love to animals!!! J you hedge(hurdle) and you cursed I hope that you will be severely punished for such an act!! The baby giraffe had one and a half year. The zoo wanted to sell him(it), or to give up(to sell) him(it) to another park, for reasons of ethics, but no scruple to kill a healthy animal. Disgusting and revolting practices, as for the "public" autopsy, we touch the bottom! |
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#155 shame on you !!!2014-02-09 19:26Shame has you it is SHAMEFUL, I am to scandalize! But or world goes if zoo censer portéger animals kill them!!! Change job(business) if you are incapable of compation and of love to animals!!! J you hedge(hurdle) and you cursed I hope that you will be severely punished for such an act!! The baby giraffe had one and a half year. The zoo wanted to sell him(it), or to give up(to sell) him(it) to another park, for reasons of ethics, but no scruple to kill a healthy animal. Disgusting and revolting practices, as for the "public" autopsy, we touch the bottom! |
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#1572014-02-09 19:29Nie wieder nach Dänemark. Für Kinder schon garnicht ! |
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#1602014-02-09 19:46Es ist eine Himmelschreiende Schweinerei denn Marius hat einen Platz angeboten bekommen Lust am Töten? |
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#1642014-02-09 19:59Absolutely disgusted that a zoo manager should authorise the 'murder' of a defenceless animal. |
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#1652014-02-09 19:59Shame on you!!!!!!!!!! |
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#1672014-02-09 20:20more than stupid... VERY VERY S T U P I D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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#1702014-02-09 20:31This wasn't necessary! My heart cries for Marius :-( |
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#1722014-02-09 20:40you need to get another job, as you don't care at all about the animals!! You are in the wrong profession!!! Start working for the trash company, |
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#1732014-02-09 20:40Schandalig dat jonge dieren worden gedood!!!Ze horen veilig te zijn in de dierentuin!! |
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#1742014-02-09 20:41ich finde, es ist schon schlimm genug, wenn man ein Tier schlachtet, aber daraus noch eine Art Volksfest zu machen und Kinder an der Zerlegung zusehen zu lassen, ist der Gipfel. In anbetracht der Tatsache, dass lt. meinem Kenntnisstand der Bulle in einen anderen Zoo hätte wechseln können, finde ich die Vorgehensweise mehr als daneben. |
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