Vi siger ja til catalanernes ret til at stemme
Kontakt forfatteren af dette andragende
Dette debatemne er skabt automatisk af underskriftindsamlingen Vi siger ja til catalanernes ret til at stemme.
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#772015-04-16 19:33Como se puede comprovar si estoy en la lista de firmantes |
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#782015-04-16 19:56Agrair al poble de Dinamarca, el seu sentit democràtic respecte al reconeixement del poble de Catalunya a decidir el seu futur. |
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#79 Re:2015-04-16 20:04Si tu firma era pública tu nombre debería salir en la lista de "underskrifter". Saludos. |
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#842015-04-16 20:26Catalans are waiting and working for their rights for a long time. We hope to be on the right way finally! |
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#862015-04-16 20:49Citiziens have right to decide our future By vote. This is DEMOCRÀCIA also. Gràcies! |
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#87 Marc2015-04-16 21:00Thank you people of Denmark for talking about our situation. We just want to be free in a peaceful Europe! |
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#88 Aitor2015-04-16 21:18
Vi Catalans !!!! Vi ønsker at være fri !!! Men den spanske stat ikke og vil ikke nogensinde ønsker selvstændighed for Catalonien .. Vi er den gås, der lægger guldæg. Sundhed gracies! |
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#912015-04-16 22:05Tak Danmark! Catalansk country. Helhjertet.Gràcies Dinamarca! País Català. De tot cor. <3 ||*|| |
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#922015-04-17 04:31We're the people that want to decides our future, and we'll live on a real democracy together with the rest of the world. After 300 years, is time to go away, and build a better future for our children. Visca Catalunya lliure! |
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#93 Re: Re: Spain is a democratic country2015-04-17 05:32#34: - Re: Spain is a democratic country Spanish constitution was approved after a long period of dictatorship and political forces were under military pressures to expressly include some articles, like the one about the eternal unity of the country. Catalans indeed voted for this democratic constitution, and have worked within its legal system, but this last years have shown that the current constitution and, specially, how it's interpreted by the courts, does not allow the kind of freedom requested by a majority of the catalans. A clear proof of this is the Statute of Catalonia, that was also democratically voted by a majority of catalans, but it was overruled by the Spanish constitutional court, under political influence of the main Spanish party. The Constitution can not easily be reformed. Not only catalans are a minority within Spain, highly unlikely to get support from a majority in Spain, but also this kind of reform requires special majorities of 2/3 of the political arc, both before and after a general election. If democratic values were really a part of the main Spanish parties, they will work with Catalan parties toward a solution, just like it happened in Canada or United Kingdom. But both main parties in Spain, PP and PSOE, which without them is impossible any kind of reform or negotiated solution, have clearly expressed its will to not allow the catalans to vote on their autodetermination.
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#942015-04-17 06:06Per la democràcia el respecte la llibertat i solidaritat dels tots els europeus deixeu-nos exercir el dret d'autodeterminació, CATALUNYA INDEPENDENT DINS EUROPA. |
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#962015-04-17 10:18L'amor a la meva terra es el que m'ha impulsat a donar aquest pas, ja que des de Espanya sento que no ens tracten amb la mateixa estima. Encara que reconec que l'estat Espanyo treballar perque no hi hagi moltes desigualtats socials al seu territori, aixó em sembla bé, pero si aixó pasa perque cada día, gent com jo que viu a una de les zones més cares d'Espanya cada cop tingui menys recursos per poder viure i a més ens titllin de garrepes e insolidaris, em sembla incomprensible. El que está fent l'Estat Espanyol es asfixiar la meva estimada terra i a la gent que estimo, i no deixar que prosperi com crec que pot prosperar, per aixó ho millor es que cadascun vagi pel seu propi camí. |
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#972015-04-17 10:22Al meu agraïment al poble Danes pel seu ajut ala causa Catalana,som un pais pacífic i treballador,pro estem oprimits hi mal tractats pels governs espanyols,no volen ni la nostra cultura ni la nostra llengua per que es diferent,i ens menys preant,ja no podem mes,son 300 anys amb aquesta situació,ens arribat l'hora de ser lliures.MOLTES GRACIES. |
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#992015-04-17 11:26Catalonien er en af de ældste nationer i Europa. Spanien ikke udtrykke sig katalanerne. Spanien også tillader dig at foretage en folkeafstemning om den politiske fremtid i Catalonien... |
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#1002015-04-17 13:15I think that everybody should be able to decide what is his future.. Catalans need a "Yes" on this votation and if Denmark (a country that experimented a process similar to our) voted yes, could make a lot of catalans vote yes on the next votations and start a round of votations by other UE members. |
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