Solidaritetserklæring til filmholdet bag dokumentaren “Orsugiak - Grønlands hvide guld” 

Solidaritetserklæring til filmholdet bag dokumentaren 

“Orsugiak - Grønlands hvide guld” 

Af kulturarbejdere, forskere, undervisere og studerende for en ligeværdig samtale og nuanceret debat i forholdet mellem Kalaallit Nunaat & Danmark


(English version below)


I den seneste tid er flere sager kommet frem i lyset, som vidner om det ulige magtforhold mellem Kalaallit Nunaat (Grønland) og Danmark:

Forskere, kunstnere, film-, tv- og kulturarbejdere samt studerende, der beskæftiger sig med koloniale problemstillinger, bliver delegitimeret, miskrediteret, intimideret og frygter at miste deres levebrød. Det kulminerede den 19.02.25 med at DR valgte at afpublicere dokumentaren “Grønlands hvide guld” og fyre chefredaktøren. Demokratiske værdier som armslængdeprincippet, forskningsfrihed, kunstnerisk frihed og pressefrihed blev undermineret i en situation, hvor fagfolk rejste vigtige diskussioner, der udfordrer dansk selvforståelse.

Vi mener, at dokumentaren har potentiale til at rejse og uddybe vigtige diskussioner om forholdet mellem Kalaallit Nunaat og Danmark, og at dens afpubliceringen forhindrer disse samtaler i at finde sted. Samtidig mener vi, at denne offentlige debat skal foregå uden personangreb og intimidering, da dette i alvorlig grad undergraver den demokratiske kultur.

Danmark har profileret sig som forkæmper for ytringsfrihed og menneskerettighederne. Det er på høje tid at Danmark erkender sit ansvar som tidligere kolonimagt i Kalaallit Nunaat og de fortsatte konsekvenser, det har for borgere i Kalaallit Nunaat og for inuit i Danmark, samt for danskernes egen historie- og selvforståelse.

Vi opfordrer kultur- og uddannelsesinstitutioner, mediehuse, kommuner og statsinstitutioner mfl. til ikke at give efter for politisk pres, som sætter armslængdeprincippet over styr, og medvirker til censur, tilbagekaldelser, fyringer og delegitimering af kulturarbejdere og forskeres arbejde. 

Vi mener at DR bør genpublicere dokumentaren “Orsugiak - Grønlands hvide guld” og bakke op om holdet bag dokumentaren for den samtale, de har inviteret til at tage om fælles fortid mellem Kalaallit Nunaat og Danmark. 

Vi har brug for kultur- og uddannelsesinstitutioner som kan, vil og tør, facilitere og udvikle den offentlige samtale og skabe et fælles refleksionsrum, der lytter til inuit/Kalaallit perspektiver med det formål at skabe læring og ligeværd. Anerkendelsen af den koloniale fortid og dens konsekvenser i dag kan være med til at skabe reparation og genoprettelse for Inuit/Kalaallit Nunaat – ikke kun fysisk og materielt, men også kulturelt og åndeligt, samt styrke den demokratiske kultur og selvforståelse i både Kalaallit Nunaat og Danmark. 

Underskrifterne vil blive overdraget til Kulturministeren og DR.


Kulturarbejdere, forskere, undervisere og studerende for en ligeværdig samtale og nuanceret debat i forholdet mellem Kalaallit Nunaat & Danmark

English version 


Declaration of Solidarity with the Team Behind the Documentary “Orsugiak - The White Gold of Greenland”
By cultural workers, researchers, educators, and students for an equal dialogue and nuanced debate on the relationship between Kalaallit Nunaat & Denmark

In recent times, several cases have come to light that highlight the unequal power relationship between Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) and Denmark:

  • The IUD enforcement scandal: Between 1966 and 1970, Danish health authorities performed enforced insertions of  intrauterine devices (IUDs) on approximately  4500 Inuit women and young girls—some as young as 11—who were either persuaded or coerced into the IUD insertion. 

  • The use of flawed “parenting competency” testing and forced removal of Inuit children in Denmark: According to a 2022 report, 5.6% of children of Inuit background living in Denmark are placed in foster care, compared to 1% of children of Danish background. Additionally, the Danish state has carried out adoptions of Inuit children without clear parental consent, as well as past cases involving so-called "experiment children" (forced re-education of Inuit children in Denmark) and legally fatherless children.

  • Forced relocations of Inuit/Inughuit citizens: This includes displacements related to the construction of the Thule Air Base and the closure of settlements.

  • Extraction of minerals and resources: The cryolite mine in Ivittuut, as recently documented in Orsugiak - The White Gold of Greenland, is just one example of the mineral and resource extraction that has taken place in Kalaallit Nunaat—another aspect is the historical significance of whale oil for Europe during the whaling era.

Researchers, artists, filmmakers, TV and cultural workers, as well as students engaged in colonial issues, are being delegitimized, discredited, and intimidated, fearing for their livelihoods. This culminated on February 19, 2025, when DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation) decided to remove the documentary Orsugiak - The White Gold of Greenland from their streaming services and fire its news editor-in-chief. Democratic values such as the arm’s-length principle, academic freedom, artistic freedom, and press freedom were undermined in a situation where professionals raised important discussions that challenge Denmark’s national self-perception.

We believe that the documentary has the capacity to raise and deepen important discussions about the relationship between Kallallit Nunnat and Denmark, and its depublication is preventing these conversations from taking place. At the same time, we believe that this public discussion needs to happen without personal attacks and intimidation, which are severely undermining democratic culture. 

Denmark has long portrayed itself as a defender of freedom of expression and human rights. It is high time that Denmark recognizes its responsibility as a former colonial power in Kalaallit Nunaat and the ongoing consequences this has for the people of Inuit/Kalaallit Nunaat, Inuit in Denmark, and Denmark’s own historical and national self-understanding.

We call on cultural and educational institutions, media organizations, municipalities, and state institutions not to bow to political pressure that undermines the arm’s-length principle, leading to censorship, retractions, dismissals, and the delegitimization of cultural workers and researchers.

We believe that DR should republish the documentary Orsugiak - The White Gold of Greenland and support the team behind it in their effort to foster a conversation about the shared history between Kalaallit Nunaat and Denmark.

We need cultural and educational institutions that have the courage to facilitate and develop public dialogue, creating a shared space for reflection that listens to Inuit/Kalaallit perspectives with the aim of fostering learning and equality. Recognizing the colonial past and its present-day consequences can contribute to repair and restoration for Inuit/Kalaallit Nunaat—not only physically and materially but also culturally and spiritually—while strengthening democratic culture and self-understanding in both Kalaallit Nunaat and Denmark.

The signatures will be handed over to the Minister of Culture of Denmark and DR (Danish Broadcasting Corporation).


Cultural workers, researchers, educators, and students for an equal dialogue and nuanced debate on the relationship between Kalaallit Nunaat & Denmark


kulturarbejdere, forskere, undervisere og studerende for en ligeværdig samtale og nuanceret debat i forholdet mellem Kalaallit Nunaat & Danmark    Kontakt forfatteren af dette andragende

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