Remove the ban on international students in Denmark!
Tror på at fremtiden er multi-kulturel. Som ung er det mega fedt at møde personer fra andre lande.(Nyborg, 2019-03-10)
I do not agree to have a limit on international courses. Denmark needs international students. Both me and my husband were international students and we decided to remain here. He works at Mærsk, one of the biggest companies in Denmark. We both pay taxes and do our duty as residents in Denmark. It’s not only our story, it can be anyone’s story...(Bylderup-Bov, 2019-03-14)
Jeg er overbevist om at et åbent og internationalt studiemiljø kommer alle studerende til gavn. Ikke kun fordi vi lever i en globaliseret verden, men også fordi udvekslingen af perspektiver og idéer har stor betydning for ens studietid og udvikling.(Aalborg, 2019-03-26)
I'm an international student in Aalborg University and my plan is to stay and to contribute financially and culturally in Denmark.I don't agree with the statement that we don't stay after our degree.
To contribute for the international students to stay... Is not by closing the doors but opening it more...
Aware the society to receive us. Give us free Danish classes to embrace the culture. Open the society to allow us to learn this great Danish culture. I promise that we will want to stay!
(Aalborg, 2019-04-10)
As an international student at Aalborg University I fully agree with the proposals, hoping for wider range of opportunities for international instead of narrowing them down.(Aalborg, 2019-04-14)
I was part of the first year of Robotics bachelor at AAU, and through out my time there, learned more with international students, due to the simple fact that this was a study based on multiple aspect all tied together with the main topic of robots. The same can be said for the students. Our study was build on globalization, and the understanding of different points of views are important in order for us to progress in a fast moving field. International students bring diversity, and it increases the creativity level in group work. Our study was one of the fastest growing studies due to the simple fact that it got recognized for being open minded about different backgrounds and having an interesting topic, and also having a high number of people finishing the study!(Aalborg, 2019-04-16)
fordi det er mod globaliseringen og hvordan verdenssamfundet ser ud i dag, at forhindre international at komme til Danmark. Samtidig så svækker det det danske uddannelsesystem og dens prestige, fordi de danske studerende ikke får lov at færdes i et international miljø til dagligt(aalborg, 2019-04-23)
det er det eneste rigtige og alt andet er et skridt tilbage nu vi er på den rette vej one love(amager, 2019-10-31)