Stop sexuelt misbrug af dyr (Forbyd zoofili i Danmark!)

That guy that defends people though he doesn't have to.

/ #28 Nice fordomme, too sad it's complete bullshit

2012-04-30 19:02

Alright im going to perform a little analyzis on this topic to inform you idiots.. I personally find it disguisting too, BUT like i find homosexuality disguisting too I would never go as far to ban their behaviour, that is just idiotcracy completely based on your emotions for a topic rather than the objective facts and being open minded towards others and what they want to do with their lives.
Alright then, this kind of tendency has been around for as long humans has existed, especially when humans started to hold animals within their residence, for food or company.

The reason that scientists has no problem with this subject and the reason why it's legal in Denmark is because as long as the animal is into it, IT DOESNT TAKE ANY DAMAGE, so that's two compeltely different things, having a sexual relationship with someone or raping someone, right?? and it's existance is bases on two factors, instinct and feelings.. so there you can see that you cant talk it into doing something like that, you would have to let it be comfortable with it..
oh and here's an article I found, that's actually the reason why im writing this..
BECAUSE THERE A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE THAT YOU PROBABLY SHOULD LOOK INTO BEFORE MAKING UP YOUR MIND ON SOMETHING THAT YOU KNOW JACK SHIT ABOUT... i hate people that whitout reading into a subject, or tjecking out forums, automaticly makes up their minds, if you cant see how prejudice that is on any level, you are a complete moron.

Boing #6 ok?
Det er ligeså hyppigt at kvinder er i et sexualt forhold med et dyr som mænd, søg på google, hvor svært kan det være?`

Gæst #9
Ud fra den holdning kan alle der har andre tendenser end dig betragtes som psykiske syge, bare fordi et emne er tabu omlagt betyder det ikke automatisk at det er en slem ting, selv utroskab hjælper med at sprede gener på basis af feromon tiltrækkelse som hjlæper dyr osåvel som mennesker med at blande gener bedre eller mangler i immuenforsvaret for den næste generation..

Kithaironuka #15
fuldstændig usandt, det er lovligt hvis der ikke er belast på dyret, hvis det selv vælger at være en del af det, det andet er voldtægt, selvfølgelig er det et problem at dyret så ikke kan sige det til nogen, men du kan se på et dyr om det bliver behandlet dårligt, zoofili eller ej.

medskabningen #23 Re: Re: dette svineri skal bare forbydes nu.
Igen foredomme som intet grundlag har, kender du nogen der har sådan en tendens?
har du snakket med nogle på et forum om det f.eks?
ved du virkelig om dyret biologisk tager skade af det eller gavner af det?
På hvilken måde kom det til at handle om børn?
du antager igen uden at vide en skid om emnet at folk der gør sådan noget bare knepper alt de kommer i nærheden af? hvad fejler du? snæversynede individ...

Gæst #25
Read the first statement, then go research, and dont be stupid and just search biased forums, try seeing it from their perspective, and know that the reason it's not illegal is because there's no evidens that the animal takes any damage if it, itself has no problem with it, if it does yes, then it is rape. But your arguments and ultimatly everyone on this site other than me, is based completely on your lack of researching the facts in the subject.
use google translate for this:

The reason im doing this is because im tried of people basing their opinions without facts, without other perspectives and without at least trying to be understanding,
we're in the 21th century, and that kind of prejudice mentality is outdated and doesn't help anybody.

Grunden til at jeg gør dette er fordi jeg er træt af folk der basere deres holdninger uden facts, uden at overveje andre perspektiver og uden at prøve på at forstå emnet. vi er i det 21ende århundrede og den form for fordomsfuld adfærd er outdated og hjælper ingen.