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Lad os alle skifte konto til Cayman |
/ #8770 Re: Skatte-undragelse2014-01-27 19:25Det er faktisk pænt Opening a Cayman Islands Bank Account with CNB: Cayman National Bank offers a variety of bank accounts to suit your needs. Over the last 30 years, CNB has been privileged to serve its customers in providing increased convenience and flexibility. CNB will open an account for a new depositor on receipt of a reference from the depositor's home banker. They will not accept large sums in cash. Funds can be deposited in US dollars or other currencies and can be delivered by check, which takes about two weeks to clear; or by banker's draft or wire transfer. Checking or savings accounts may be opened, but the most popular method is the fixed-interest or on time deposit (usually for a minimum of US$5,000) paying the interest quoted on receipt and for an agreed time. Interest rates on the various currencies may vary daily, and are published at the CNB website, available to all of their customers. Minimum Opening Deposit for Personal Account: Apply for your Cayman National checking or savings account by completing one of their online account opening forms and delivering it — via mail or in person — to one of their convenient customer service centers. For overseas customers, notarized copies of all required documents can be mailed as instructed in their easy online application form. Online Internet Banking at CNB with a Cayman Islands Bank Account Cayman Banking Laws and Regulations Benefits of Banking in the Cayman Islands Complete Cayman Islands Bank Directory CNB ATM Map Locations CNB Branch and Contact Information
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