Ørestad imod ulogisk tvangsdistrikt!

Kontakt forfatteren af dette andragende

Thank you for your signatures!

2019-06-04 09:43:44

We got all in all 248 signatures on a very short timeframe!

The response to the proposal has now been submitted to https://blivhoert.kk.dk/hoering/aendring-af-skoledistrikter-til-skolearet-20202021

I sincerely hope that our protest against this illogical proposal will be heard and that the plans will be reconsidered so as to take into account the children and their well.being, safety, security and friendships, to respect the expectations of the families, and the natural divisions of our neighbourhoods. 

Thank you all for contributing!



Madeleine Saunte, forælder i Ørestad

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