mink whale hunting

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Dette debatemne er skabt automatisk af underskriftindsamlingen mink whale hunting.

Steintor Debes

#26 Re: eric

2014-09-19 22:22

#19: - eric 

I would be carefull with statements like that.

I have a friend in the german army.

Please dont smear the name of this great army with eco fanatic littering.

I have sent you an email.

Steintor Debes

#27 Re: Tim Larson

2014-09-19 23:12

#5: - Tim Larson 

 You are deleted

Dette indlæg er blevet fjernet af underskriftindsamleren (Vis detaljer)

2014-09-20 09:53

Mona Debes

#29 Re: Patrick Laurent

2014-09-20 13:35

#12: - Patrick Laurent 

If you are polite for a reason you are a hypocrite.

Polite people are just polite. So i guess you fail.



#30 Boston Celt

2014-09-22 12:15

Would love some whale teeth myself. They hard to come by?

Steintor Debes

#31 Re: Boston Celt

2014-09-22 19:15

#30: - Boston Celt 

 Nope. Free to take for all when the meat is cut of the whale



2015-03-07 01:37

whale is yummy.